Sunday, October 18, 2009

tofu and french bean quinoa with heirloom tomato cucumber salad

quinao, pronouced keen-wa, originated in south america and was a staple food of the ancient incas. although quinoa may resemble a grain, it is actually the seeds of a leafy plant. quinoa is a complete protein that consists of 12%-18% protein. below is a recipe that i concocted in my kitchen tonight. for the side dish, i made an simple heirloom tomato cumber salad inspired by a tomato salad i had at lucas in oakland. to your health!

quinoa ingredients:
1/2 cup quinoa (i used trader joe's organic quinoa)
1 cup of vegetable stock
7oz tofu (cubed and browned in canola oil)
french green beans (cut in half)
salt and pepper

1) place quinoa and vegetable stock in a small quart pot and bring to boil. reduce to simmer and cover. cook for 10-15 minutes.
2) steam french green beans.
3) in a large bowl, toss quinoa, green beans, and browned tofu. add salt and pepper to taste.

tomato heirloom cucumber salad ingredients:
1/2 lbs of heirloom tomatoes, sliced
1/2 lbs of cucumbers, sliced
1/4 of sliced red onions
3tbs red wine vinegar
2tbs of white vinegar
2tbs olive oil
red pepper flakes
salt and pepper

1) whisk red wine vinegar, white vinegar, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes in a small bowl.
2) in a larger bowl, combine cucumbers and tomatoes. add vinaigrette mixture to the cucumbers and tomatoes. toss all ingredients together and chill for a minimum of 30 minutes.

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Synaura said...
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